Moderated by Bérengère MOINDROT, International Development Manager, Vitagora
9am - Introduction
Keynote: Towards the realization of Society 5.0 in agri-food sector Dr. KYUMA Kazuo, President, NARO
Keynote: Microorganisms, an opportunity to drive innovation from farm to fork Pierre GUEZ, President, Vitagora
9:35am - Session #1: Microorganisms for a more sustainable agriculture
Keynote: Effect of cover crops and organic farming on soil microorganisms responsible for nutrient cycling and the contribution potential for crop production Dr. KARASAWA Toshihiro, Deputy Leader of Organic/Sustainable Cultivation Group Central Region Agriculture Research Center, NARO
Keynote: Startups in France innovating for a more sustainable agriculture Simon MAECHLING, Innovation Manager, Bayer Crop Science
Keynote: Toward a design-oriented breeding of root system architecture adapted to climate change Dr. UGA Yusaku, Leader, Crop Design Group, Division of Crop Design Research, Institute of Crop Science, NARO
Keynote: Assessing plant and micro-organism interactions using high-through-put phenotyping Dr. Christophe SALON, Research director, INRAE / UMR Agroecology
Innovation: Presentation of an innovative solution by a start-up: INNOCULUM Plus Janet BOUVET, Business Developer
11:20am - Conclusion, Day #1
Concluding remarks Dr. GOTO Kazuhisa, Liaison Scientist, Administrator for Research Management, NARO Bérengère MOINDROT, International devlepment manager, Vitagora
Closing address Day #1 Dr. KATSUTA Masumi, Vice president, NARO
9:35am - Session #3: Microorganisms: a sustainable way to optimise food quality, nutrition and safety
Keynote: Control of indigenous microbiota for improve the organoleptic qualities of beverage Dr. Raphaële TOURDOT-MARECHAL, Scientist, UMR Procédés alimentaires et microbiolgiques
Keynote: Advanced technologies for fermented food production and food waste utilisation in NARO Dr. MANO Jyunichi, Principal Researcher, Institute of Food Research, NARO
Innovation: Presentation of an innovative solution by a start-up: Atelier du Fruit Alain ETIEVANT, CEO
10:20am - 15-minute break
10:35am - Session #4: Trends in microorganisms and functional foods
Keynote: Health benefits of traditional Japanese fermented foods and study on functional natto (fermented soybeans) Dr. ARAKI Risa, Principal researcher, Institute of Food Research, NARO
Keynote: Our intestinal microbiota as a source of next generation probiotics Philippe LANGELLA, Research director, INRAE / UMR Micalis
Innovation: Presentation of an innovative solution by a start-up: ARDPI Laurent OCCHINI, CEO
11:20am - Conclusion, Day #2
Concluding remarks Dr. GOTO Kazuhisa, Liaison Scientist, Administrator for Research Management, NARO Bérengère MOINDROT, International devlepment manager, Vitagora
Closing address: From science to business Christophe BREUILLET, Director, Vitagora